Okay, this is the latest and hopefully final move for Missiledine's Games. Having at last come to the conclusion that you get what you pay for, I have decided to go ahead and pay for professional hosting. For my players that means no banner ads or pop-ups and hopefully, speedier loading.
I have also set up a number of sub-domains that should make it easier to find whatever it is your looking for. I know it will make updating the site easier for me!
Because of the sub division of the site, some links may be broken. I have made an attempt to fix as many as I could on short notice, but a few undoubtably remain. Please contact me with any you find.
Enough about that.
For those of you who are new to RPGs, (Role Playing Games not Rocket Propelled Grenades!) a little background information is in order.
RPGs are an interactive game generally involving multiple players and a referee or Game Master. (If you have heard the term 'Dungeon Master' you should know that it is applied almost exclusively to RPGs that employ the Dungeons & Dragons or Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st 2nd or 3rd Edition game systems.)
RPGs are played using your imagination rather then a game board or a deck of cards. Traditionally they are played 'face to face' across a table, with a group of like minded friends. The only tools of the game, other than paper and pencil, are dice. The advent of the Internet has given RPGs a new venue. Now you can interact with a group of like minded strangers across the void of cyberspace. The paper and pencil, though still useful, is largely replaced by the keyboard and hard drive. The dice, though, are still used.
Though there are many RPG systems in use, the games on this site employ Steve Jackson's, "Generic Universal Role Playing System." More commonly known as 'G.U.R.P.S.'
Who am I?
I am the Game Master, or 'GM' for these games. I have been playing RPGs since 1979 and I have played a wide variety of them over the years. My background includes D&D, AD&D, Rune Quest, Traveler, Boot Hill, Top Secret and of course, GURPS. I have DMed or GMed for almost as long as I have played.
About the Game
Everyone is welcome to join, novice or experienced player, regardless of age, gender, species, etc.
However... Though I do not go out of my way to run 'pornographic' games, adult themes do arise in play. Consequently I ask that an interested player please tell me what your real age is, as opposed to your character's age. This is simply so I can ensure some degree of compatibility amongst players.
Play takes place in two formats. The first is Play By E Mail, or PBEM. In this the player and GM (Me!) exchange e-mails describing their character's actions and the responses and circumstances of what is going on around the character. If you are unfamiliar with the way this type of gaming works, I suggest you visit the Archive's section to see some examples.
The second type of play takes place in live chat. I use AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to conduct these sessions. We use a chat room for general play and individual AIM screens for private actions, questions etc.
We have had a few problems with AIM chat rooms, mostly in the form of connectibilty. But the universality of the software and its relative ease of use has convinced me to stick with it.
One last thing.....
If you are someone who has a problem with, or takes exception to, ideas like, magick, demons, fictional religions and deities.... Then this probably isn't for you. Go away.
These links will take you where you need to go to get things started.
Here you will find a number of useful links to information on GURPS in general, FAQs, sources for books and gaming materials.
Here you will find a list of new pages, information updates and things you should look for.
Credit where credit is due......
The other sites:
Velitrium: Here is the current information on the Velitrium Campaign. History, character
creation, magic, weapons and equipment and a whole slew of other stuff!
Solista: This is another campaign world which is presently inactive. The site contains
some, but not yet all, of the information concerning it.
SPACE: This site is for my soon to be announced (I hope) Space campaign. General
information, character creation, equipment, history etc are all here.
Stories: A selection of Fiction by yours truly, and hopefully my players, if anyone ever
feels like writing any!
Contacting Me!
You can E Mail me by clicking on the Dragon to the left, (and any similar Dragon you see while browsing) or look for me on AIM. My AIM Id is of course, 'Missiledine' You can now find me on ICQ as well. My ICQ number is 115620509
One final note....
A Copyright disclaimer... Velitrium and all data and files related to Velitrium are the sole property of me, Missiledine. (Except for those things listed on the Credit's page.) You may copy it and use it for game and play purposes only. Do not publish it without crediting the source and don't even think of trying to make money off it! Other GM's may, if they ask nicely, link their sites to mine.
Please sign the Guest Book!